Halloween Workshops!

I can’t believe that Halloween is actually here. We have had such a great time creating Halloween costumes during Let’s Go Crafting’s Halloween Workshops!!

This student decided to make something for her little brother. A cute little pig romper. How sweet is that?!!

All of these are original ideas! A shark cape - you have to LOVE those teeth and the cute ribbon!

The minion costume pattern was drafted from an old t-shirt as was the yellow skittles costume. Talk about getting a perfect fit! Making clothes from clothes you already own is such a great skill to have!

Four full body suit costumes! Lots of work, but boy did it pay off!

Then we have Totoro - a costume thought up by this student and created here at Let’s Go Crafting!

The panda hoodie is so cute! As is the sushi hat! All original ideas thought up by these students. I really LOVE helping to bring ideas to fruition!!!