Posts tagged Preschoolers
Fantastic Preschoolers

Monday was my last preschool class for this semester.  We had a great time together and I am a little sad that the Monday class is done until the fall.  Today we:

made drawings and then embellished with fabric and sequins,

sewed up lacing cards – each student did many of these.  It was so fun!


And I gave them their pillows.  They painted the fabric last week and I sewed them into pillows to give them on the last day.  They totally LOVED them!!

Lively Mondays with Preschoolers!

Preschoolers are so much fun!  They love messy art and non-messy art and everything else in between.

We worked on finishing our fabric bowls.  These are the same as the ones we are making with the tween class, just on a smaller scale.

We also did some weaving.  I made little looms out of popsicle sticks and precut some yarn and we were ready!  This project was so much fun.  This project great because it encourages and builds small motor skills.  We talk about different color combinations.  We also talk about the textures and thickness of the yarns which encourages attention to details.  Great crafts – great impacts!

Pre Schoolers on Monday!

The preschool class on Monday is such a joy to teach. The students are all so excited to participate in all the activities!

We added fabric to the outside our paper mache bowls. Next week we will add fabric to the inside of our bowls and finish them up.

We also made popsicle stick people which was a HUGE hit!! All of the children made multiple people and many of them made families! It was so fun to see what each student did with the materials provided.