Amazing Sewing Today

Today was a really amazing day in sewing class!

Fleece Owl

This super cute fleece owl was finished.  Don't you just love that zebra print fleece?!

Cute earrings!

Do you see those cute earrings?  This student made these tassels out of embroidery floss to embellish her stuffed animal.

Working hard :o)

This student is working hard to finish her project.

2nd grade pillow case!And she was sooo successful!  I hope she has a chance to use it tonight.  Notice the zebra print again - boy this is a popular print.  I must remember to get some more soon for these creative kids.7th grader-drawstring backpack

Preparing the outer layer for her drawstring backpack.IMG_0809

After sewing up the seams, ironing is needed to keep everything looking neat and pretty.

Handsewing together.

Working on handwork together makes it more enjoyable.

Cutting out the head of his latest project.

I love this flannel print.  His stuffed dog is going to be so soft and cuddly!

The best place to work is outside! 


New and Continuing Sewing Projects

This past sewing class was super busy!  Lots of students making great progress on their projects.

Zipper pouch coming along.

The student working on this is doing a fabulous job.  She has cut all the felt pieces herself and is just about done with the applique portion of the face.  Next up - inserting a zipper!!

Owl pillow just about complete.

This 1st grade student will finish her owl pillow in the next lesson.  We shall see what she wants to create after that.

Butterfly pillow just about done.

Just one more wing, some antenna, and then stuffing.

Head of a teeny tiny felt bunny.

This 3rd grade student wanted to make a really tiny little stuffed bunny.  The smaller they are the harder they are to put together.  This one is done totally by hand and his stitches are superb!

Body of the teeny tiny bunny - almost ready to attach the head.

I can't wait to see this project completed!

Pillow case.

2nd grade pillow case.  I just love the fabric choices!!  The zebra fabric is fleece and is so soft.

Start of a really BIG dog stuffed animal.This is a really fun pattern to make.  Over the summer in camp, several students made this one.  The original pattern is for a smaller stuffed animal, but I enlarged it 200% so that it is pretty big.  The kids seem to like it much better :o)Start of a new drawstring backpack. Owl pillow start.

This coming week's class will be super fun!!  There will be lots of finishing of projects and lots of new projects started.  I can't wait to see what everyone will choose!


Sewing, Sewing and more Sewing!

We are really busy in our sewing classes!!

5th grade pillow case.

We have been finishing up projects.  This is a pillow case made by a 5th grader.

Fixing a seam.

This third grader planned, cut and pieced this patchwork pillow all by himself.  Here he is fixing a wayward seam.  He has learned how to make invisible stitches to mend.

3rd grade patchwork pillow.

The completed pillow - isn't it gorgeous?!

3rd grade sachet.

Look at that proud face!  This student did such a great job on this sachet.  All students start with this project so that they can learn how to sew  straight seams that are equidistant from the raw edges and they also get used to the machines  they will be working with.  They learn what the right side and the wrong side of the fabric means, they learn how to use an iron, how to make invisible stitches to close it up and to sew on a button.  This looks like a very simple project, but in fact, it has a lot of specific skills that the students use for future creations.

2nd grade backpack.

This 2nd grader picked such cute fabric for her backpack.  This is only her second sewing project ever!

2nd grade back pack.

It fits perfectly!

3rd grade fleece blanket.

This student loves the color orange and was so excited to discover orange fleece in my stash of fabrics for the students.  Fleece is not an easy fabric to sew on, but he persevered and was very successful.

3rd grade patchwork pillow

Another lovely patchwork pillow.  These seem to be so popular.  The students love to go through all the fabrics to pick just the right ones that appeal to them.

A very comfortable place to "work".

The couch is a very inviting place for students to do their hand sewing and seam ripping.  Sometimes you can find many of them sewing (or ripping!) here, just talking away.

Beautiful, small even stitches by a 3rd grader.

I can't get enough of looking at these stitches.  They are VERY nice!  She will be pleased with this project when she is finished!

2nd grader learning how to place a pattern piece that says, "Place on Fold".

Onto the next project!!

2nd grader cutting the back of her patchwork pillow.

The front of this student's patchwork pillow is complete.  Here she is using the front as a pattern for the back.

2nd grade patchwork pillow.

I just love how each of these pillows is completely different and reflects the individual personalities of each student.

3rd grade pouch.3rd grade fleece blanket.

So much fun and so many great projects being created!

Knitting Classes are a huge hit!

The new session of knitting has started and everyone is having a great time.  I just love how excited each student is about their own projects as well as those of their friends.

The knitting gang.

We meet at the picnic tables outside of the classrooms.  The fresh air is so nice!

Knitting friends.

Sometimes the tabletop is the perfect place to knit.

Contemplating a pattern.

What shall we make now?  There is a lot of teamwork and discussion that goes along with this class.  I love how they all work together and help each other out.

3rd grader "working" hard!3rd grader with his finished bag.

This student worked so hard and his bag came out really well!

What to make next...hmm...a fish toy for his cat.

Once this student was done with is first project, he decided that he wanted to make a toy for his  cat.  He had no problem with the increase and decrease stitches that he needed to learn to complete it.  Mind you, he had never done these before and he picked it up very quickly - so quickly in fact, that he finished this in just one week!  Now he is working on a scarf - pictures to come.

Crocheted scarf by 3rd grader.

This 3rd grade student is very talented in many different fiber related techniques.  She just finished a crocheted scarf and started a new one.  It's amazing to me how easy it is for these kids to learn these different crafts!

Is it a stuffed toy or a hat?

So....this 2nd grade student started out making a stuffed toy.  She knit away and then cast off.  Once she had sewn up the first side, she put it on her head and a new creation was born.

It's a monster hat!

Aftern the pom poms and buttons were added, then a mouth, the decision was made!!  Her knitted project became a hat.  But, all good monsters need a nose so one had to be sewn on.  What a fabulous first project!  Next up for this 2nd grader is a knitted bear!


New Sewing Happenings!!

Our new classes for this school year are up and running and full of excitement!

Lots of great sewing going on here!

New sewers always start with a simple project to learn how to control the sewing machine - not an easy task - just ask them!! Controlling the speed is one of the hardest skills to master at first.Making a pattern for a long skirt.After the patterns are made, we can begin cutting fabric.2nd grader sewing.Turning the edges in on the headband and adding elastic.Let me it working correctly?3rd grader deciding how to put her quilt together.Making the border for a pillow case.Ironing, ironing, ironing.5th grader finished stuffed bunny.2nd grader headband.As you can see, we are having a blast in sewing class!! Stay tuned to see what these students come up with next time!